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Green Cat Services
BUG Spraying
Mosquitoes and ticks have been causing health concerns for many people in North Dakota in recent Years. They carry many contagious diseases, and are generally a major nuisance. We also target many other bugs.
in 2017 we started offering this service in Rolette County, and towards the end of the year once word got out we offered this dozens of people, public events, apartments, schools, and towns took advantage of this service.
Call or Text for a one time Application, we offer specials
for July 4th and large events, more notice the better as
we get very busy in the summer!
Large Area Spraying
Our commercial spray mister,unit is capable of spraying
a mist of spray over 120 feet. This machine is ideal for
covering large events such as fairs, auctions, community
events rural yards. and any other summer time out door
event. We are licensed to spray towns and municipality's
for insects. We have also used this unit to spray cattle, the rancher locked the cows in a corral and we applied a mixture over the cattle to control biting flies, this application was very successful and saved the rancher a lot of time.
Residential and Smaller Area Spraying
We offer spraying services for your home and business.
We recently purchased a backpacker fogger unit, this unit
allows us to apply chemical into trees, bushes and tall grasses. Known areas where mosquitoes and other bugs congregate and reproduce. When we do our application the foundation and eves of buildings and houses are very important to apply chemical, this stops crawling insects from entering and causing problems.
Facts about our spraying applications
Spraying for bugs is the best method to control them, generally after an application you will receive at least 12 days of relief from flying insects, longer times for crawling insects. The chemicals we use are generally the on the safer spectrum of pesticides. During application it is recommend that the chemical is not exposed directly to humans, and pets be kept inside. Pets can be released back onto sprayed grounds once it is dry. If the area sprayed is dry and free from rain, such as crawl spaces and inside barns and sheds, it will last for months.
!!! New for 2020 !!!
After great demand and many requests we are introducing Bi-Weekly Mosquito Service!
What is it?:
We come to your home or business every 12 to 14 days and do a chemical application to control mosquitoes and bugs.
How does it work?:
Our mix lasts about 14 days. We automatically send you a notice "text and email" when the application is completed. We us the truck mounted mister, back pack unit, or hose reel and wand, depending on location and what we think will work best.
Will the rain wash it away?
Normal rains do not cause any issues, But a rare 2-3 inch 20 minute downpour will wash some of the chemical away and cause it to be less effective. In the past even with a huge rare down pour customers still noticed a huge difference in the number of Mosquitoes in their yards. We mix in a soy bean oil based natural bonding agent that helps prevent wash.
Does it cost a lot?:
No, to be on our Bi-Weekly spray list it starts at $55 an application for most yards.
How do you pay for this Service?
We can mail invoices and email invoices, you can mail check, pay online with credit card, or put a card on file securely through our billing software.
How do I sign up?
Call/Text Joe 701-389-1155 or email
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